Friday, September 10, 2021

Embrace Disruptive Innovation before it disrupts you!



Embrace Disruptive Innovation before it disrupts you!


We heard people saying that change is constant, should we start saying Innovation is constant?

 Well, looking at the current Technology trends, probably, we should say so.

 Originally, farmers and labour used to work hard for food production. Automation in Agriculture has eliminated significant human labour in the areas of production.

 In the future, we may even see food prepared out of a 3-D printer, which assures sufficiency of food in the world. If you order a Pizza, no wonder if it is made by the 3D printer.

 It is important for any industry or company to be vigilant on the Technology trends and make course correction accordingly to survive in the market or bite the dust.

 The latest and upcoming trend in Food/Agricultural industry is Drones laying the seeds instead of farmers or laborers.

Take Telescope And Look For Trends 

Technology disruption will have an impact on various industries and we would have no idea when the disruption will knock our door. It is highly important that we are vigilant and look for opportunities (disruptive technology) before it impacts us.

We would have to literally foresee and observe the happening by looking from a telescope for the upcoming trend or butterfly effects, which is the need of the hour.

 The causal chain of events you may be able to see on the horizon is:

With solar energy in place, the energy problem will be solved and cheap energy is available, then the world’s water problems will also be solved.

 Desalination of water requires large amounts of energy. However, if it is available, we can desalinate as much salt water as we want to and ensure clean water all over the globe.  If the water supply is suļ¬ƒcient, then there is enough food supply because it can be irrigated.

 Alternate Food And Methods

San Francisco based company Memphis Meats claimed that they had created a lab-grown chicken. By developing real meat from animal cells, it eliminated the need to breed, feed and eventually slaughter animals for human consumption.

 This process requires less land and water than traditional methods. The company aims to eliminate some of the problems that come with meat consumption, including animal welfare and environmental concerns.

 Re-Nuble is another company hoping to disrupt food production and consumption. Based in Virginia, the start-up turns organic food waste into fertilizer for hydroponic products which grow plants without needing soil.

 It’s estimated that 33 million tonnes of food waste ends up in landfill sites every year. By recycling waste, Re-Nuble makes it contribute to sustainable food production. It’s hardly a cutting edge concept, but it’s a stark reminder to work with readily available resources before creating even more.

 Bird’s Eye View

 Sometimes, we may not be able to find the trends, but it does not mean there are none.

 In this case, we have to fly higher and take Bird’s Eye View where we would be able to observe various disruptive technologies across industries and how each industry is getting impacted.

 Some Technological trends will have an impact on other industries little later; examples could be 3D food and Drone seeds. The intention of a 3D printer may not be food production initially, but later it could be a reality. So, we need to make sure that we are ready to embrace this disruptive Innovation.